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Healthcare Construction Trends – Outlook for 2020

As, Healthcare facility design and construction continues to evolve so do patient expectations. As we approach 2020, the Timco team has been keeping an eye on several trends we believe will continue to prevail in the years to come.

Mixed-use Facilities: As patients’ expectations in service rise, so do their expectations for experience. To increase convenience and comfort more and more health systems are building facilities that can not only accommodate a mixed level of medical service, but also provide other amenities and services in the same location or space.

Flexible Technology: Technology, and more specifically, flexible technology will continue to be a main driver of healthcare construction projects. With system leaders looking to integrate updated technology to increase productivity, efficiency, and provide expert care to patients, while simultaneously attracting and retaining top medical talent who expect the best resources available.

Sustainability: As healthcare systems continue to seek ways to maximize operational efficiencies and reduce their carbon footprint the need to not only design with a focus on sustainability but to build utilizing sustainable methods will increase in importance. Keeping green options in mind will become a necessity to winning work and meeting client expectations.

Creative Cost Saving Techniques: In the years to come, as healthcare systems continue to merge and hospital margins are pressured, the ability to save money throughout the life-cycle of the facility will not only be a project requirement but will be expected.

At Timco Construction, we specialize in leveraging our strong relationships with meaningful partners to bring innovative solutions that increase efficiency, productivity and minimize risk, increasing speed to market and providing flexible spaces that will last 50+ years. We have found that utilizing modular design and construction methods has helped us meet these goals.

Through collaboration with our strategic partner adaptt, we have the ability to provide our clients with modular interior solutions. These solutions allow us to focus on the long-term vision of our clients, while simultaneously accommodating the need for change, expansion, and redevelopment to meet the needs of the future.

Are you ready to learn more? Get in touch with one of our team members today.